Saturday, April 10, 2010

Falling into old patterns...

Trying to simplify our life and especially the food we eat is not without its challenges.  My husband's band had a show last night and it should go without saying that while I watched and danced, I also drank a little.  Back in the early days of being a "band girlfriend" (which, by the way, is NOT a groupie!), I could tolerate a few drinks with friends.  Apparently, two kids and a decade later, my body doesn't really handle a few drinks and 3 hours of non-stop dancing so well.  Last night was really fun, but today has been a struggle.  Unfortunately, creating a healthy meal out of local ingredients was not on the agenda for lunch...takeout was.  However, on announcing that I had no desire to stand on my wobbly (but newly toned) legs and cook dinner, Jeremy made plans to head to the grocery store.  This was much better than eating another takeout meal, but Jeremy usually picks up quick-fix foods and even though I didn't want to make a meal all from scratch, I had hopes of thinking of something that would meet in the middle.
What did we have?  Burritos and nachos!  YUM!  Was it 100% local and organic?  No.  But, I had local grass-fed ground beef in the freezer and local sharp cheddar in the fridge.  We supplemented that with beans, local salsa and a dollop of regionally produced sour cream.  Jeremy picked up some chips and tortillas, and everyone built their own dinner.
Tonight was a good example of what it means to be on the journey to living simple.  We didn't stress over the fact that neither adult wanted to put a lot of effort into the meal.  No one wanted to look up recipes or spend an hour in the store.  We were able to look at what we had on hand and mix in some easy to grab ingredients for a delicious dinner that we all loved.  I would normally have spent more time and energy trying to fix something healthier and more wholesome.  But, then I wouldn't have had that extra hour with the kids.  And I would have been more tired than I am now.
More than that, it was a good example of how a couple of local, ethically raised and produced foods can change the taste of a meal.  I've always loved burritos...spicy meat wrapped up with complimentary fillings and melted cheese!  But, tonight, I noticed how much the flavor of the local cheese allowed me to use less and have more flavor than before.  And the meat was tender and flavorful...not bland and greasy.  We took an already simple meal and simply turned it into a meal that had complex flavors.  It was less of a quick fix meal and more of a homemade treat!
This week will most likely bring me right back around to trying to keep to the local and homemade foods.  But, tonight reminded me that sometimes we need a little treat.  The key for me, I have decided, is that if I want a treat (tonight burritos...tomorrow ice cream!) then I have to make it myself as simply as possible without covering up the true flavors of a food with prepackaged (and often salt and preservative laden" foods.  Highlight the local, fresh ingredients and downplay the pantry staples.  But, most of all, enjoy the treat and see it as part of the journey to a more simple life!

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