Thursday, April 1, 2010

My New Tools!

Sometimes simplifying life can actually complicate things...especially when you are a working mom trying to get it all done...perfectly.  I don't have the personality that allows me to do anything halfway.  If I take on a challenge it's all the way or not at all.  So, simplifying my life has taken on momentum of its own, leading me to places I never thought I would go.
However, in the case of some things, I've had to learn that a little purchase here and there might just simplify things even more...or at least make the job easier to tolerate.  Most of you know about my bread baking journey.  I haven't purchased a loaf of plastic wrapped store shelved bread in months...and the bread is tasty, but I needed a good way to store it and keep it fresh.  Also, I needed a way to soften my butter.  Real butter is far superior to the processed "spreads" you can find, but if it warps my bread while spreading it, I'm not too happy.  So, I did some quick research and found a couple of rather inexpensive items to help me support my own project.  And keep it tasty, too.  The clear bread box above might be made of plastic, but it is expandable, leaving me more or less room as I need it.  It also has a vent on one side to control the moisture level.  Can you see the enclosed cutting board in the box?  Wonderful!  And for the butter, I found a room-temperature butter crock.  The butter hides in the top while a water filled chamber below keeps out the air to preserve freshness...wonderful, tasty, spreadable butter!
I'll have to admit that my biggest "non-simple" aspect of life is the internet, but without it I would have never even had the knowledge to start on this journey to begin with.  I would never be able to share it with my friends as easily, and my ever expanding research would not be able to be so...simple.  Although, sometimes the internet can be a real time drain, I am working to use my computer to accomplish more real goals and less non-productive fun (although leaving farmville appears to be a bit of a challenge!).  I love to read about how other people have achieved what I am striving for.
In the midst of a really awful week, I found myself wondering how I could possibly keep going at the rate I am going.  Even simplifying my life is not reducing the demands on my time and emotional status as I try to juggle the demands of a full time career and full time homemaker.  I would love to give away the former,  but until healthcare is affordable to those who are not full time workers, I will remain a part of the workforce...but I did reflect on one interesting aspect of the way my life has become:
My mom suggested (as all mom's would) that I try to find something to give up that might free up my time.  However, she suggested my garden might be taking up a good portion of my time.  Yes, aside from my family and my job, it takes up more of my time than anything else.  No, I will never give it up (and in the same suggestion, my mom admitted she knew I never could!).  To me, all the physical demands, all the planning, all the organizing of seeds and hauling of compost and not work.  It is simply simple.  Relaxing.  It is my time out in the sun, with my children at my side, growing something that can sustain my family and friends.  It gives me peace in the middle of my crazy week.  It makes me proud and has reflected the most success I have had as a person outside of my family in a long time.  Interesting, though, the discussions it brought this week.  I didn't find many people who shared my views.  In fact, most decided that I was simply crazy to put so much work into something I consider to be simple.  Which makes me wonder...what makes it simple for me and work for others.  And how can the direction of lifestyle be changed for those who DO still see it as work...


  1. Katie, that's the exact question I'm asking myself. I really want to start a garden for the very reasons you describe, but every spare moment that i have to spend working on it turns into a struggle for me - I'm so tired and just want to rest and working in the garden feels like a whole lot of work. I'm not yet to the point where it's a simple joy for me. Part of that, I think, is because I know that I'll be doing it alone - bless jack's precious heart, but he's just not interested in that kind of stuff. His domestic traits lay squarely in the kitchen and only in the kitchen. So, how do I make the jump and view it as simple joy and not work? How do I get started? all I have right now is a marked off piece of lawn... what's my next step?

    thank you for your blog. it is an inspiration to me. Now, I just have to turn that inspiration into action...

  2. Also could we get your bread recipe?
