Monday, September 6, 2010

Back to School with Bento

Anyone who knows me knows that I've long been passionate about food.  My food obsessions have ranged forward from the unhealthy (900 calories a day, anyone?) to gourmet (yummy, but time consuming) to trendy (30 minute meals) and everywhere in between.  I often think about the past food paths I've taken and how each one fit into my life at the time.  Right before I got married, I set out to write a cookbook.  I researched and collected hundreds of recipes and tested them all out on my very happy (and full!) boyfriend.  I must have done it right, because he did marry me!  Then, during my pregnancy, I had a nesting phase which led me to cook and freeze 42 casseroles for use during the up-all-night baby days.  After both girls came along and I was forced to increase my hours at work due to restructuring, I entered the 30 minute meal era.  When I moved to New York, I came to realize that regional cooking was interesting and fun...and this NE region is quite different from my mid-western fare.  I easily made the switch from tacos and spicy barbeque to riggies and greens!  Most recently, as I've read about and researched the commercial food industry, I made the switch to local, seasonal cooking and food preservation.
I thought my food culture was here to stay, but over the past couple weeks, I began another shift in my food thinking.  This shift came about as the first day of kindergarten began to approach for my oldest daughter.  I watched Jamie Oliver's show about school foods and I've read menus of our local school cafeterias and I know that I want my daughter to be eating healthy foods that will keep her energy up all day long.  I'm just not sure the school food is what she needs.  So, I headed to the store, let her pick out a new lunch box with water bottle and thermos.  But, as I should have predicted, this was not enough for food obsessed mama!  I came across a book with creative lunches packed in the Japanese Bento style.  Lots of healthy choices in a creative presentation for the enjoyment of the eater.  I am hooked.  Of course, being a locavore isn't just about food, and I just can't bring myself to order a bunch of cutsie food storage from Japan.  I am hoping I will find it right here at home.  Most importantly, I've discovered a huge array of healthy food choices for lunchboxes that will leave the plain-Jane pb&J in the dust.  I do have to consider that my 5 year old is a rather p-i-c-k-y eater, but I'm hoping that with her help, we can find some good lunch ideas.
Lucky for me, I read cookbooks like they are novels.  I love to hear the idea behind the food and peek into the life of the creator.  I am armed with a few lunchbox books and lots of motivation.  Hopefully the time to create a healthy lunch each morning before I leave for work at 6am will come.
Stay tuned, and I'll let you know the good, the bad, and the returned-home-uneaten food stories as the weeks go on!

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